Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day 5 - "Inner Engineering" course by Isha Foundation

February 14th, 2010 - Day 5 (8:00 - 5:00 PM)

The most significant day of the curriculum (The day of initiation to Isha Yoga) - Started off with fun ice-breaking and team building time at the Robinswood park. Getting wet and muddy in the Seattle drizzle was definitely a "letting go" moment. With a quick break for cleanup we resumed kriya practice followed by a wonderful breakfast. Tough choice, but "Groundnut Porridge" was simply superb. Here is the recipe that was provided by the foundation volunteers:

"Groundnut Porridge: Soak groundnuts for 5-6 hours. Then put groundnuts, bananas, sugar, cardamom and water in a mixie and grind for 2 minutes. Add milk to taste and serve".

We learnt some important aspects of the Sambhavi Maha Mudra before getting first-hand demonstration. It was an intense 21 minutes of kriya (included multiple steps). The complete experience was simply undescribable - as Sadhguru rightly said, the experience is unique to each individual. Its significance to internal well-being and relevance to external/material benefits were discussed.

A sumptuous lunch followed. This meal was all made by the volunteers with 100% natural food (there was no cooking involved). THANKS to all the volunteers for making the day seem so easy.

Puja was performed to offer thanks to all the gurus and spiritual leaders. The day finally ended with a video on ISHA's history and progress and its social involvement across the globe.

2 more days to go....

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