Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 4 - "Inner Engineering" course by Isha Foundation

February 13, 2010 - Day 4 (12:00 - 3:00 PM)

Another great day.. Sadhguru's lectures are definitely worth it. His style of presentation and the way he conveys complex points using day-to-day practical engineering concepts and practices definitely makes it appealing to the logical audience.

Today's course taught us about Sound - Nada Yoga, ubiquity of the Aum sound, the pricipal sounds (A, U and M), and derivatives of Aum in different cultures and religions. Apparently, A,U and M are the only sounds that do not require usage of toungue-modulation. He brought together the impact of Sound within mind, body and life energy coordination. One of the exercises he taught deals with constricting and locking (called bandas) different sections of energy channles (at neck, diaphragm, Anal end) in order to activate and heighthen chakra-consciousness

It is amazing that one can control different anatomical functions with such ease and simplicity. I am curious to hear what medical doctors and research scientists have to say about this. Do they agree or disagree? Do they believe there are practical extension of these age-old techniques/practices to modern treatments and healthcare systems?

Finally we learnt about Rudraksha mala and its multiple uses. We saw a demonstration of the mala's clockwise, anti-clockwise and pendulum swings based on positivity, negativity and neutrality of pranic foods.

Tomorrow is the day for Sambhavi Maha Mudra initiation. We have been asked to bring certain materials like fruits, flowers, sweets, white cloth etc. It seems reasonable that such a key milestone is followed with rituals (afterall it is a sign of respect).

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