Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 2 - "Inner Engineering" Course by Isha Foundation

February 11, 2010 - Day 2 (7:00 - 10:00 PM)
I need to emphasize that these opinions and language are purely my own and do not represent the views of any other individual or group.

Someone remarked "we only stand to gain from this course. We have nothing to lose". In this context, Day 2 was a wash.

It started with a video clipping of Sadhguru explaining that there are 72,000 nadis (virtual energy channels) in the body. He talked about the need for a good balance between the Ida and Pingala channels (also commonly referred to as the female and male counterparts of the energy channels). The third key player is the Sushumna channel which is mostly dormant and has to awaken by practice in order to gain value. [Clearly, I need to read up a lot more on these topics]. In addition we learnt the fourth asana (nadi vibhajan, a set of 10 steps). So far, so good - Pretty informative and very interesting..

Then we got into some lecturing on key "inner engineering" traits
1. Each individual is responsible for their feeling of Anger - Obvious, but good to be reminded. The crux of this subject being that each one of us are able to consciously decide whether we react to any situation with anger or not. Being a practitioner of this, I am in complete agreement. Ofcourse, there are going to be times when we are not able to control the emotion. In other words, anger spurts out before we get a chance to suppress. As long as in the long run, we are able to control this as much as possible, we can declare victory over one of the toughest feelings. Sometimes, I think it is a great idea to demonstrate anger especially if you want to get out of tough situations. Like it or not, that is the only way out :-)
2. Each individual must take responsibility for their thoughts and actions. Unless we take ownership we will carry around the excuse of "I said so" in our back pockets all the time. Obviously, the approach and actions that follow a half-ass attitude will be, well, half-ass [Pardon my language]. This topic turned upside down (or illogical should I say) when the instructor insisted that each one of us was responsible for everything in the globe (including the atom bomb, she said)... Wow!!!! While I can let my imagination go as far as thinking positive about everything astronimical, I definitely could not let my mind take credits for the atom bombs and such.

We ended the day with a homework on what we learnt and how we utilized it in our day-to-day practice

Definitely looking forward to day three - Will tomorrow make up for day two?

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