Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The lucky generation

The generation of adults born in 70s and 80's are indeed lucky... Let me explain my reasoning....

This generation has a unique experience of watching the past from the sidelines. Their parents and close ones had to carry a lot of "baggage" to fulfil social and family obligations and to build a basic quality of life. Needless to say, the journey was arduous for the previous generation. Having gained passive experience, this new generation had the luxury of building and watching some of the latest developments in science, technology and basic living. This generation also has the diverse experience of working in, with and for diverse cultures and peoples in a positive manner. The act of managing time, people, resources has been getting fine-tuned through this experience. This ability to prioritize values has allowed the generation to gain a upper hand. All this leads to highly balanced decision making abilities, driven by reason and passion. Wouldn't we call that lucky !!!!

In this continuum, the next generation (individuals born in 1990s and 2000s), has started off watching these advancements. They have not seen the challenges life can pose, but, that may indeed be a boon. They dont have to feel the shackles and start soaring right at birth. Yes, they may face some tough situations in their life, but I am sure their confidence and abilities will guide them through.

Three Cheers to Darwin and Evolution !!!!